Is Your Healthcare Facility Ready to Designate an Individual or Individuals as the Main Responsible Facility Authority?

The Responsible Facility Authority (RFA) is responsible for implementing piped medical gas and vacuum system requirements as established in NFPA 99. Historically, the role required the acting person(s) to receive all the documentation from certifiers and inspectors testing the medical gas system. Their job was to accept the validity of the reports and keep them on file.

While the term RFA has been in code since 2012, the 2021 code (5.1.14 Operation and Management) has clearer responsibilities added and full accountability for ensuring the medical gas systems are safe for patient use. You can expect the role of the RFA to be further defined in upcoming versions of NFPA 99. This position requires a high level of competency. This can be achieved through meeting the requirements of an ASSE 6010 installer, 6020 inspector, 6030 verifier, or 6040 medical gas systems maintenance personnel.

RFA’s Operational Management will include, but not limited to:

  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Defining compliance requirements
  • Maintaining medical gas management programs and policies
  • Writing and upkeep of the facilities’ emergency management programs pertaining to piped medical gas, and vacuum systems
  • Developing and enforcing a permit-to-work system
  • Evaluation and acceptance of test reports
  • Maintenance of the facilities records on piped medical gas and vacuum system installations and operations

    At MTA, we support facility managers in reaching their compliance goals. We are here to assist you with training and developing/implementing your program.

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