Validating your Laboratory Fume Hoods for Operational Performance and Life Safety Compliance
Fume hoods are commonplace in almost every laboratory and play an important role in protecting the hood user by containing potentially harmful chemicals and associated vapors or odors. Fume hoods are found throughout all industries designed to protect the user, but not necessarily the products being used in the hood – thus, the primary goal of a fume hood is containment.
The inhalation of toxic fumes is one of the leading hazards in laboratories. Fume hoods limit exposure to hazardous chemicals and containments, so their reliable performance is essential in laboratory operations. A fume hood testing program in compliance with the complete ASHRAE 110-2016 Procedural Standard, “Methods of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods,” helps ensure the operational performance of a laboratory fume hood by testing Flow Visualization, Face Velocity Airflow Measurements, and the Tracer Gas Containment Test.
Tracer Gas Containment is an essential test to evaluate the true containment performance of the fume hood, as concentrations of the tracer gas as low as 0.01 ppm can be measured. This testing does not only evaluate the fume hood but can also determine if the room dynamics of the laboratory have a detrimental effect on the operational performance of the fume hood.
Are your hood users safe? The Tracer Gas Containment Test is the only manner by which to validate life safety containment compliance. The test simulates a real-world operation of the fume hood by the user.
Our Fume Hood Testing Professionals will discuss and evaluate your unique and specific issues. We will develop an operational performance evaluation program to validate your fume hoods’ and laboratory environment’s life safety compliance.
Contact us today to learn more about the MTA Laboratory Fume Hood Testing program to achieve the knowledge and peace of mind that your hood users are protected relative to life safety containment compliance.